IP Rating (International Protection rating sometimes called Ingress Protection Rating) defines the level of protection against intrusion or the sealing effectiveness against body parts, dust, water and accidental contact by electrical enclosures. A units IP rating is usually made up of two digits; the first digit denotes the intrusion protection and the second digit denotes the moisture protection.

NumberFirst Digit (Intrusion Protection)Second Digit (Moisture Protection)
0No special protection.No protection.
1Protection from a large part of the body such as a hand (but no protection from deliberate access); from solid objects greater than 50mm in diameter.Protection against condensation.
2Protection against fingers or objects not greater than 80mm in length and 12mm in diameter.Protection against water droplets deflected up to 15° from vertical.
3Protection from entry by tools, wires, etc with a diameter of 2.5mm or more.Protection against spray up to 60° from vertical.
4Protection against solid bodies larger than 1mm (e.g. fine tools).Protection against water spray from all directions.
5Protection against dust that may harm equipment.Protection against low pressure water jets (all directions).
6Totally dust tight.Protection against strong water jets and waves.
7Protection against temporary immersion.
8Protected against prolonged effects of immersion under pressure.
9Protected against close-range, high pressure, high temperature spray.

How to use this chart: If the IP rating of a light is 65, the first digit is 6 and the second digit is 5. From the chart, if the first digit is 6, then its intrusion protection level is defined as "Totally dust tight" and its moisture protection level is defined as "Protected against water spray from all directions."

Categories: Education